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  • The one-night festival is held in Stanley Park, which is a big wooded park with paths on the banks of the Rideau River.

    Magic Lanterns! « 2006

  • Stanley Park, which is like no other park in all North America, either in its nature or its situation.

    Poor Man's Rock Bertrand W. Sinclair 1926

  • He took her very gently by the hand and led her through the tangle of wilderness down to the water's edge, where the beauty spot we moderns call Stanley Park bends about Prospect Point.

    Legends of Vancouver E. Pauline Johnson 1887

  • He took her very gently by the hand and led her through the tangle of wilderness down to the water's edge, where the beauty spot we moderns call Stanley Park bends about Prospect Point.

    Legends of Vancouver E. Pauline Johnson 1887

  • The event will take place in Stanley Park, which is near Lake Estes off

    Examiner National Edition Articles 2010

  • - Closure of the Children's Farmyard at Stanley Park, which is subsidized by about $160,000 annually. Top Stories 2009

  • A streetcar is much more visibly appealing and reliable than buses, so it would definitely increase ridership and allow much needed speedy access to great vancouver hot spots such as Stanley Park, Granville island, Gastown and Yaletown which are currently much more complicated to get to via bus transfers and traffic congestion.

    CTV News RSS Feed 2009

  • Their home has been Anfield since their formation but there are plans to move to a new stadium in Stanley Park which is set to be ready in 2011.

    Muti 2008

  • Today we went to Stanley Park which is a huge national park on the ... (more)

    KLuBBKiDD'S RaVe 2008

  • The Canada geese in Stanley Park poop so much that it has become a walking hazard.

    Chicken Soup for the Soul: Grandmothers Jack Canfield 2011


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